September News from Ty Olwen

A HUGE THANK YOU you to everyone who supported the refreshment tent at the Botanical Gardens in Singleton Park. We raised the fantastic total of


This event would not have been possible without the army of volunteers, staff, their friends and families. I would like to assure you that your support was very much appreciated, however great or small it may have been.

CHRISTMAS preparations are now under way!!

We are holding a Christmas Fete on Monday 2nd December 2013 at the day centre. As usual, we would be grateful for unwanted gifts and lots of your delicious cakes to sell on the day.

Our dulcet (I use that term loosely!) tones will be heard in the city centre once again this year. If you would like to join us for carol singing on the evening of Thursday 12th December 2013, please give your name to either Julia or Delyth.

Christmas cards in aid of Ty Olwen Trust are now on sale at reception.

Cardiff Half Marathon

Martin Mahoney, who is the latest addition to our very dedicated team of volunteer gardeners, is running 13.1 miles for Ty Olwen Trust on 6th October 2013 and would be very grateful for your support. Sponsor forms will be on reception and in the staff room, money to Martin or myself please.

Staff Room

We welcome two new Health Care Support Workers, Cerill Tudor, who has joined the day centre team and Sharon Richards who is based on the inpatient unit. We will soon be saying a sad farewell to Lisa Jones, who is leaving us for a post as a Macmillan Nurse.

It’s all change for Debra Dicks who is moving to the Hospital team and Mike Allen, who will be joining the community team.






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