May I through this web-site thank those who elected me as Chairman of the Trust at the Annual General Meeting. I am acutely aware that I am following in some very special footsteps – Mrs. J.T. Morgan, Mr. Malcolm Struel and Dr. Peter Griffiths, all of whom brought their wisdom, patience, compassion and loyalty to the role. I can only pledge to try to emulate them and do all that I can to ensure that the Ty Olwen Trust goes from strength to strength to meet whatever challenges lay ahead. I wish to publically record the Trust’s thanks to everyone who has contributed to Ty Olwen during the past year. No matter what size the donation, large or small, they are equally important to us and we are constantly reminded of your incredible generosity to the service. On behalf of the Ty Olwen Trust can I wish all of you a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous and Healthy New Year.
Helen Murray Chairman