Baywood Belles present £1000

THERE is nothing stopping these dancing queens.

The Baywood Belles, who describe themselves as a charity concert party, have raised around £20,000 for charity over the past 16 years.

  1. Margaret Bartlett of Ty Olwen with Faye Isaac of the Baywood Belles and fellow members Chris Roberts Nancy Harding Carol Chayney and Maureen Smith

    Margaret Bartlett of Ty Olwen with Faye Isaac of the Baywood Belles and fellow members Chris Roberts, Nancy Harding, Carol Chayney and Maureen Smith

The 13 ladies, who are aged between 56 and 81, travel around South West Wales providing entertainment for free.

They accept donations and then present them to deserving charities.

This year it has been Ty Olwen, which has received £1,000 from the energetic group, which is named after its rehearsal venue, the Baywood Hall, in West Cross.

“We have given it to who we feel needs it the most.”

The 73-year-old, who lives in Morriston, said the group’s aim was to bring a smile to people’s faces who may not get to see many live performances.

“We started out to take live entertainment to people who could not get access to it, like people in nursing homes, residential homes and even senior citizens’ clubs,” she said.

“We don’t charge for anything and we don’t take any expenses.

“We make our own costumes and provide our own transport.

“We don’t charge but we say we are happy to receive a donation towards a given cause.

“Most of the homes donate funds to us.

“The show lasts around an hour.

“We perform anything from the 1920s to the 1960s, wartime sing- a-longs and the Charleston.

“We get so many offers so we have to make sure we spread out our visits.

“It is great fun.”


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