Volunteer Val Richards celebrates 30 years service

l-r: Eileen Lewis, Volunteer; Julia Griffiths, Volunteer Co-ordinator; Val Richards; Dr. Idris Baker, Lead Consultant at Ty Olwen; Delyth Gough, Receptionist; Irene Baron, Ward Hostess, gathered at Val's surprise party.

Ty Olwen recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, and now one of its volunteers is following suit.
Since November 1981, Val Richards from Trebanos has spent Monday mornings serving drinks and snacks at the tea bar in Ty Olwen, Morriston Hospital, to relatives and visitors. To celebrate her achievement, staff and volunteers organised a surprise party for Val in the day centre.
86 year old Val said:
“I have loved every minute of the past 30 years. I enjoy meeting the people who visit Ty Olwen, and volunteering with some lovely people. The staff are also wonderful.”

Julia Griffiths, Volunteer Co-ordinator, added: “Being a volunteer for 30 years is an amazing achievement. Val is a lovely, kind hearted person. The tea bar acts as a haven for relatives to spend time away from the bedside. It provides them not only with respite, but also someone to talk to.
“Often relatives are more comfortable talking to the volunteers. They feel that they have all the time in the world to listen, and they are able to share their worries and cry if they need to. The volunteers provide an additional form of support.”

Dr Idris Baker, Lead Consultant at Ty Olwen, commented: “In 1981, there was a political crisis in Europe, the Swans were playing in the top flight and Val was working at Ty Olwen. In 2011, nothing has changed! I have lost count of the number of cups of tea and fruitcakes I have had from this wonderful woman. Here’s to another 30 years Val!”

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