Tough Mudder Event

Dear Tŷ Olwen

Team Unconquerable successfully completed the Tough Mudder event last weekend.  It was such a fun and amazing experience and we are very pleased that we are on course to eclipse our target of raising over £3,000 for Tŷ Olwen and Maggies.  Words cannot describe the feeling of being submerged in a pool of ice….and I can confirm that the 10,000 volt electric shocks were VERY REAL. Please find attached photographic evidence that all those who sponsored us definitely got their money’s worth!

The funds will be forwarded to Tŷ Olwen in the next few weeks from the Charities Trust.  I also have some cheques made out directly to Tŷ Olwen that I will pop in the post.  I hope the money will help Tŷ Olwen continue to provide the excellent services my family received.  I am interested to learn more about the Trust and if there are other ways we can help.

Team Unconquerable and I are planning our next event to raise more money so you’ll hear from me again in the near future.

Best regards

John Dunster

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