Swansea Masonic Fraternity is Supporting Ty Olwen.

Secretary of the Swansea Almoners Committee, Worshipful Brother Phill Morris with Edward and Kate Murray and Ty Olwen Committee Member Dr. Y.B.Mathur

Worshipful Brother Hugh Rees, Treasurer of the Lord Swansea Lodge presenting a cheque for £600

Assistant Provincial Grandmaster with representatives of all the charities



Ty Olwen are grateful for the continued support received from the Swansea Masonic Fraternity. At a recent presentation Worshipful Brother Phill Morris, Secretary of the Swansea Almoners Committee presented a cheque for £500 to Ty Olwen who were represented by Edward and Kate Murray and accompanied by Ty Olwen Committee Member Dr. Y.B. Mathur.


A donation of £600 was made on behalf of  the Lord Swansea Lodge by Worshipful Brother Hugh Rees, Lodge Treasurer.


The Assistant Provincial Grand Master made further donations to two other local charities, namely the Scouting Charity – ‘Silver Cross’ Scout Centre  and ‘Treat Trust Wales’ who are aiming to provide a state of the art rehabilitaion and therapy  centre at Morriston Hospital.

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