Richard Park and team raise over £3100 for Ty Olwen so far!

Richard Park No.630 and fiends

This is what Richard had to say on his Just Giving site-

Following the unbelievable palliative care my father received from the Ty Olwen Trust in August, I decided that I should do something to raise money for this wonderful charity. I am delighted to say that some friends have offered to help me raise money for the Trust and if you are here from Giles, Gina, James, Phil, Emma, Matt, Ben, Julie or Neil sending you this link – thank you!! We have decided to run the Llanelli half marathon on March 4. Now for those of you that know me, this is somewhat of a mammoth challenge!! But with the team running this with me – it is something to look forward to! We are aiming to raise at least £1,500 for Ty Olwen, but please give as much as you can afford to this fantastic charity. Please can you also put the name of the person you are sponsoring next to your sponsorship so if we can match fund we know how much each person has raised. On behalf of us all – Thank you and please give generously!!!

Update – 5 March 2012…Well – we survived!!! There were some fantastic times by us all on Sunday, and personally I owe a massive debt of gratitude to Giles, Gina and Phil who literally pulled me through the final mile when I thought the wall in front of me wouldn’t stop getting higher!!!

Everyone performed so well and It was an amazing day!

We’ve raised far more than we ever could of imagined, but we are still after more of your money – so please carry on giving whatever you can afford!!!

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