Parkmill W.I. Presents

 image1 (1)In January this year Ty Olwen Chairman Helen Murray and Young Ambassador Kate Murray visited Parkmill Women’s Institute to talk about the role of Ty Olwen and the work of the Trustees. Kate spoke about her ideas to make Ty Olwen a more friendly place for young children  when visiting family and friends. An idea was to create small goody/activity bags which a child would be given to use during the visit and take home with them. With the creation of a new ‘children’s ‘ area within the family lounge this has become even more important.  Lillian and Diane from Parkmill W.I. visited the unit to talk about the project and how the W.I. have kindly offered to to make some bags and donate reading books, activity books and small games. The first of the donations are already with the nurses ready to be given out.

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