In her report at the Ty Olwen Trust AGM last week Helen Murray, spoke about how lucky she was 40 years ago to be involved with the initial discussions about Palliative Care in the area and in supporting a local GP, Dr. Peter Griffiths, in bringing it to the attention of the Health Authority. Subsequently involved in raising petitions, fundraising and seeing Ty Olwen being built, she became a founder trustee in 1981 and now chairs the Ty Olwen Trust, our local charity raising over £400,000 a year to support what is now a centre of excellence for Palliative Care in the AMBU Health Board. Her hard work was recognised and on Friday 25 November, Helen received her MBE from The Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace. This is not the end of her involvement but has acted as a spur to carry on supporting the exceptional care given by the team of Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, auxiliary, administration and volunteer teams.