Kilimanjaro Update

Hello, Tom here!

Swansea University – Keir Hardie office have helped me fundraise over the last few weeks, we have had two cake sales in the office, and the staff and my tutor Vivienne Rogers have been baking and selling the cakes on my behalf.
It’s been a great success and we have managed to raise a total of £262.62! Over 200 cakes were baked and sold!
Also, I have organised a charity event with a raffle, DJ etc and I am charging £2.50 a ticket. Expecting around 200 people. The poster is attached so you can see what’s going on! People have been unbelievably generous over the last few days and i’ve had celebrity backing from a few published authors in fact! The total is £961.08 at this moment so I’m really pleased with how things are going. Tom.


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