
Kerry Crowley and Christian Davies

Our Jane

Jane was a loving wife, mother, daughter, grandmother  and friend and was diagnosed with cancer in March 2012. Determined not to let cancer win she embarked on a long gruelling battle, enduring two huge operations and numerous rounds of chemo. Whilst Jane knew the odds were against her she never let it get her down, she chose to hide the seriousness of her condition and tried to live every day to its fullest. Jane continued to see her clients, family, and friends, and true to her beautiful nature she was always more concerned about others than herself. As time went on and after her second big operation Jane relied more and more on the kind nurses from Ty Olwen, they allowed her to have quality of life at home whilst continuing with treatment. Jane never feared dying all she wanted was to be pain free and the burden of care not to fall solely to her family. Ty Olwen staff allowed this to happen. In our darkest of hours when Jane was in the last stages of her battle, Ty Olwen nurses were on constant standby, calling out to us in the early hours of the morning to administer pain medication, helping with advise, treatment and support. Without Ty Olwen I am unsure how we would have coped, it allowed Jane to have a dignified and pain free passing and allowed us as a family to take care of her in the comfort of her own home. Jane passed away aged 53 at home surrounded by her family and those that loved her on July 26th 2013 16 months after her first hospital visit. She was loved by all that met her, she was a shoulder to cry on, the life of the party, a mother to all and a devoted wife.  Whilst her passing was too soon we would like to raise awareness of Ty Olwen and their amazing work. Ty Olwen is not only a hospice where you can be cared for 24 hours a day, which when you are at the end of your life it is sometimes necessary, it also has outreach nurses and support for those who do not want to go into a hospice. Ty Olwen needs funds to continue their amazing work. So in memory of Jane we plan to cycle from Home (Loughor, South Wales) to Rome (Italy), a gruelling trek over 15 days, cycling up to 90 miles a day in the summer heat.  The riders and support crew will fund their journey and therefore all funds raised will go to Ty Olwen, we hope this will help them continue their support for all those affected by cancer. You can find us at www.facebook.com/janiesridehome2rome and donate at www.justgiving.com/janiesride


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