30th Anniversary Service

Bishop John Davies & Fr. Simon Griffiths with Mrs Bartlett, Dr. Griffiths, Mrs Gwen Bond, Dr. Idris Baker, Capt. Judith Morgan, Rev. Nigel Griffin and Mrs Helen Murray


On Sunday 2nd October nearly 250 people gathered at St. Mary’s Church in Swansea for a Service of Thanksgiving for 30 years of Ty Olwen. The theme of the service was:

Thanksgiving – Remembrance – Re-dedication

The congregation was made up of families who came to remember, volunteers, supporters and fund raisers, staff both past and present as well trustees of the last 30 years. The congregation were joined by the Lord Lieutenant of West Glamorgan, Byron Lewis, High Sheriff of West Glamorgan, Susan Waller Thomas and Lord Mayor of Swansea, Ioan Richard.

The service was led by Fr. Simon Griffiths, Rector of St. Mary’s and the address was given by the Rt. Rev. John Davies, Bishop of Swansea & Brecon who also led the act of re-dedication. Readings were given by Dr. Peter Griffiths, Chairman of the Ty Olwen Trust and founder Medical Director, Mrs Helen Murray, Secretary of the Ty Olwen Trust and founder Trustee and Dr Idris Baker, Medical Director. Prayers were offered by the Venerable Robert Williams, Archdeacon of Gower, Capt Judith Morgan, Chaplain to Ty Olwen and Fr. Simon Griffiths.

During a moving act of remembrance, led by the Rev. Nigel Griffin, names of loved ones who had been under the care of Ty Olwen and those who had contributed in so many ways over the last 30 years were brought through the nave of the church whilst the choir of St. Mary’s sang the anthem, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is set on thee”. Four candles of Grief, Memory, Hope and Community were lit in turn by Canon Douglas Davies the first chaplain, Mrs Margaret Bartlett President of the Ty Olwen Trust, Mrs Gwen Bond the first Nursing Officer, and Mr Byron Lewis Lord Lieutenant.

Canon Douglas Davies, Ty Olwen's first Chaplain talks to Mrs Millie Edwards the first Secretary


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